Monday, March 22, 2010

How to take a study break:

While my 20 page theory paper on The Elaboration Likely Hood Model and Semiotics Theory looms over my head, I decided to take a break from my writing and update this thing. While I would much rather be hanging out with my friends or simply working to make money, I'm stuck in the anti-social world of paper writing. A theory paper none the less. 

While the current state of my room is a good visual for how my brain feels. Scattered, unorganized, and just down right chaos. Knowing my graduation is only 5 weeks away is keeping my little bit of sanity and motivation. 

Any one else feel compelled to organize random things or finally get to that to do list when it's really time to study and get work done?? 

Back to the paper I go. 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

If I had a million dollars...

I would pack and move to sea side, Fl. Stuck between Destin and the spring break capitol, Panama City. rest a few quite beach towns on road 30 A. It's most famous for being the location of the Truman Show. I spent my break here and it was a little slice of heaven! Ok maybe just simply being away from school and work and Kennesaw for a few days added to the wonderfulness of this trip. But it was amazing none the less.

Now if you've never been the Sea Side you may want to save up before you go. It's not a cheap place to stay. (we knew someone with a condo and struck a deal) But if I had a million dollars to live there I would. I've seriously debating moving down there post graduation and simply being a nanny for one of the wealthy families down there. I think it'd be a great life.

Yea, Don't we all want to live there? 

My lovely view. 

I could live here too.

Also If I had a million bucks I'd buy this.

So I gave in and actually bought this. While we will not discuss the price of this, this is sooo me. and it's super super soft. Most of my stuff is from target and old navy so I should have one good shirt. And I used a gift card to buy it so it's all good. 

It's an artsy kinda town and this is something cute. Who thinks of these things?? I'm going to try and make one myself. Can't be that hard right??

Now it's back the grind of work and school. But thinking of sea side will get me through these last few weeks of college... EVER!