When I was about 10 or 11 this new store called Bath and Body Works came to town, and to any preteen that was a place to shop. Soon hitting PE locker rooms where the smells of old gyms met sweaty kids finished off with every fragrance you could think of. While the girl to your right bathed in Vanilla (eww) the girl to your left preferred rose leaving me to smell horribly of two scents I hate. I believe the first popular fragrance was cucumber mellon, only to be trumped by sweet pea. But for my pre teen birthdays all I seemed to get was Bath and Body Works. Don't get me wrong its a simple easy gift to get any one and it will get used and I enjoyed my collection of lotions and sprays, It took FOREVER to run out of. I NEVER could run out!!! While this is the perfect default gift for any one, I quickly had a stockpile hoarders would be proud of.
Fast forward 10 years and while Bath and Body works isn't going bankrupt any time soon and a bottle of sweet pea body spray sits on my dresser as I type, the gift of lotions as been replaced by what else, A Starbucks gift card. Today I received a $15 dollar gift card to said establishment. While I love gift cards (free money!) This is the 20th or so Starbucks card I've hand. Every work raffle, bridal/baby shower game winning prize, or thank you card is a Starbucks card. Just when I think I've spent my card, another one finds its way into my hands. Did I mention I don't drink coffee?? So I'm left to spend my small fortune at the coffee capitol of the world on my Grande Green iced-tea which cost exactly $2.07. While unfortunately, Starbucks doesn't leave me smelling of blueberry-honeysuckle-mellon, I'm glad to have the never ending supply of gift cards to feed the coffee habit I don't have. So next time you go to buy a gift card, Stop and think outside the box, go against the grain, or find your inner rebel and buy a gift card to oh I don't know Target.