I've always seen floods on the news. Watching people sit on their roof tops while the water kept rising above them and never understood why they didn't just leave when the saw the water starting to rise. But last week I learned just how powerful water is.
It'd been raining for a good 3-4 days and I spent the weekend in Greenville, Sc. and on the way home sunday afternoon the roads in GA were already starting to fill up with water. When I woke up monday morning it was raining like I have never seen before. It never seemed to end!!! I made the choice to not go to class that day and I am glad I didn't. By 1:00 on monday campus was flooded and it was taking students and hour to get off campus! Every other road was flooded in the area!
My brother was sent home early from school and we drove
around the neighborhood to see the flood that was taking place.
Here's a few pics of the flooding

KSU parking lot!
Parking Lot at my pool
The brown line you see in the water is
a dock that is normally 3 ft above water
Tennis Any one??
It took a few days for every one to recover from it, but things are back to normal where I live but other parts of GA are still recovering. Now that the sun is back, I need to go find my sunglasses.