You know those maps made of old license plates? Well I have always wanted one but the cost a few pay checks, so I quickly gave up on ever owning one. They have pictures of them, but that's not nearly as cool. Then while in Sea Side, Florida I happen to spot a map made of various coke cans (I'm from atlanta and it's coke! not pop, not soda. Call it what you will) But back to the map. So I got very excited about said map but when I saw the price tag I about died. I realized I could make one myself and by golly I did. It took a while to collect the cans and figure out a system. But I think I've figured it out now and I'm working on my second one. I'm hoping to make a few more and sell them on etsy. so if ya want a map, let me know. I'll be happy to make you one
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
A bit of mayhem
Well I haven't had time to make anything or go on a thrift shop adventure in a while due to working 3 weeks of soccer camp, taking a coaching class, and drinking my weight in water so I don't collapse in this horrid heat. So I don't have much to blog about so I figured I'd share a few things others have made that are quite impressive.
Forget tasting the rainbow, you can drink it! Roy G Biv Smoothies made for each color of the rainbow and day of the week. Don't cha want one?
Check this out! Can ya figure out what it once was??
Little motorcycles made from pocket lighter parts! I don't think I'd have the patience to make one of these but they sure are pretty darn cool.
Thanks to Myth Busters we now know you can drop a of Mentos in soda bottle and watch it explode. But check out what this guy made
Last of all, take a chill pill and relax for a bit and do nothing for two minutes while I go do a rain dance.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
A bit of a road block
What I would give for new shoes!!!!! A kidney (I have one to spare right?) an Arm, A leg, My Soul.... ANYTHING FOR NEW SHOES!!! Now when I say I need new shoes I do not mean this in the "I'm a girl obsessed with shoes" kinda way. No no, Although I was gainfully employed at a shoe store for quite a while with a lovely discount, I'm not really a shoe obsessed person like other members of my gender. I still have my converse I bought in the 10th grade people.
I need Athletic Shoes. Asics size 7 1/2 or 8 to be specific. Now I know there are lots and lots of shoes worn once or twice and simply tossed to the side. I could easily find a pare of black dress shoes or simple boots. But athletic shoes are hard to come by, much less ones that aren't fairly worn which defeats the reason of buying new shoes.
While mine are in good condition, the supports in them are completely gone and 3 weeks of soccer camp are taking their toll on me. My already bad ankles kill! Now I need these shoes out of necessity not a need. I coach soccer 6-7 days a week this fall... I need new comfortable shoes badly. Now if only the Adidas gods would give us shoes in our coaching gear pack this year.
I recently painted Josh and Dawns' hall way in payment of Teva flip flops... which I have yet to receive (cough cough, josh, cough cough) Again another thing I had a necessity for, as mine I can open like a sandwich and make talk. When do I wear said flip flops that I have to have them you ask?? Why that's simple. When I get off the soccer field when I've been out there for 8 hours. Any who. So if any one would like to gift me some shoes or repay me for a service I have offered in the past or future, I would be very grateful. I'd offer to work for them but I don't have a free moment for a good 2 more weeks. I'm a 7 1/2 or 8. Nothing pink.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A nifty idea...
I was bumming around blog world one day and came across Kim at too much time on my hands and she is on a wooden pallet kick. GENIUS? I think so. Every time I see a wooden pallet just chillin by a dumpster my craft brain gets a going! There's just so many things out there people have made from this free wood. Kim took this pallet:
And turned it into this!
She's currently giving one away in a contest so if you want a shot at winning this nifty little organizer pop on over to her site at too much time on my hands and say hello. You can also see her full post about building one of these bad boys. Here's a few other things people have made with wooden pallets.
Cool huh? I love love love the shelf!! I'm thinking a nice planter for a small patio garden? It looks totally awesome in my head! Maybe I'll bring it to life one of these days. Add it to the ever growing list of things I want to make one day.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A fun solution
Since NO ONE gets rid of storage containers and they are hard to come by, I'm left to fend for myself. I REFUSE TO USE COOL-WHIP CONTAINERS. I don't care that it's the south and perfectly acceptable. So I found a an empty coffee can and decided to paper mache it. I started with some orange construction paper and finished with 2 layers of book pages.
I think I'd look good on a desk or maybe holding some yellow flowers. Not sure what I'll use it for but it turned out decent. If you want to paper mache something it's simple: Mix water and flower with a tab of glue. Dip paper strips in mixture and apply to what ever you'd like.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
To add to the collection
What's more exciting than finding something you collect?! Not much. It's half the fun of garage sales, thrift stores and in my case, the speech teacher's treasure box. In the last week of school my kiddos were picking their prizes for a week of hard work when I spotted it! A 101 Dalmatians Christmas Toy. No, I'm not ashamed that I'm excited about a McDonald's toy. Feel free to laugh but I've had a few of the set and I use them to decorate at Christmas. I have no where near the 101 in the collection, but I like my little Dalmatians. So needless to say, I was very excited about this little toy. The speech teacher decided I'd worked hard at speech group (Only a select few will know how hard that really was) and let me have the toy. It's the little things in life and some days it's a stupid Happy Meal toys.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
And the list keeps growing!
The other day my friends Meg and Kristen both informed me of this lovely website called (Now if you’ve never been to this website consider this your warning.) This website will change they way you bum around the Internet.
You simply sign in and select things that interest you. For example, I picked traveling, photography, crafts, and a few others. Then you hit the stumble button and a website matching your criteria will show up. You can add it to your favorites or hit the button again.
Needless to say I’ve spent a good deal of my time on this website and have found the neatest things. The downside, my craft list and things I want to do list have quickly doubled in length. But with 3 weeks of soccer camp and work starting 2 weeks after that, my time is quickly running out. But here’s a few of the things I have planned:
How cute is that? And it's so easy to make. Now I just need some buttons....
And these bad boys are about to get turned into this:
Home made Solar Lamps. I just need some old yard solar lamps. So if you have any that work I'd love to have them!
I also found a woven rug made from old bed sheets, some new recipes, and lots lots more! How I'm going to get all this done before teaching and coaching pick back up I don't know. So if any one would like to sponsor me so I don't have to work and can just do this for a living that would be fantastic!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Home made Laundry Detergent
So a while back I decided to make my own laundry soap and see if it really works, and what do ya know it does! The money savings are HUGE and it's fairly simple to make. Here's how:
What you'll need:
1 cup washing soda (I use Arm & Hammer)
1/2 cup borax (I use 20 Mule Team)
1 bar soap (I use whatever’s cheap)
Approximately 3 gallons water
1 Large Container ( 5 gallon paint bucket w/ lid works)
1 Large pot for boiling
1 grater or kniffe to cut soap. I'd go with a cheese grater.
What to do:
What you'll need:
1 cup washing soda (I use Arm & Hammer)
1/2 cup borax (I use 20 Mule Team)
1 bar soap (I use whatever’s cheap)
Approximately 3 gallons water
1 Large Container ( 5 gallon paint bucket w/ lid works)
1 Large pot for boiling
1 grater or kniffe to cut soap. I'd go with a cheese grater.
What to do:
put about four cups of water into the pan and put it on the stove on high until it’s at boiling, then lower the heat until it’s simmering.
While it’s heating up, take a bar of soap and cut it up into little bits. Slowly add the soap bits to the boiling water. Stir until dissolved.
Next get our your Large container and add 3 gallons of warm tap water. To this bucket add a cup of the washing soda and the soap solution you made and stir. Optional 1/2 cup Borax. Let sit for 24 hours with lid on.
Your finished soap should be a slimy soap/water mixture. If the water and soap separate thats ok just stir it a bit. If there's little soap clumps in the mixture that's ok too.
Use 1 cup per wash load and it will get you 52 wash loads.
Now you'll wonder, how much would I be saving for all this work and is it worth it. The answer is yes! Here's the breakdown for ya:
The supplies will run you about $10 give or take a dollar. With your supplies you should make atleast 4 buckets worth of soap. So at 52 x 4 = 208 loads for $10. I'd say that's a few dollars cheaper than tide. In short, nine loads using my homemade detergent has the same detergent cost as one load of Tide with Bleach Alternative.
Friday, July 1, 2011
A house is a house
While I doubt I'll be living in my dream house any time soon, It never hurts to house hunt a little!
No need for a house sitter, just deflate it.
I'd never Leave
Nor would I live this one either.
World's cutest tree house!
Sarah Sells Sea Shell down by the sea shore
I'd stay in bed all day with a good book here.
Side Note: I'm in need of a queen bed frame if you have a spare :)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
This n That
Well hello long lost friend I call blogger. I haven't been in a blogging mood lately but a recent trip to some garage sales got me going again. This past weekend I hit garage sale pay day. I found a kitchen table, Two sets of chairs and a coffee table all for the low low price of $32! Sorry I have no pictures yet, but soon enough when I start refinishing them. But I'm very excited about the table and chairs combo. It was quite a nice find. Now to find a place to live, well I've found two places and I'm just waiting on the prices to drop a little. I fail to understand why rental prices fluctuate so much on a day to day basis. I mean I understand how it works, I just find it to be dumb and frustrating.
While I'm running out of intelligent things to do and occupy my time (some one take me on a trip! any where!!! I beg you!) I did make a nice set of Christmas place mats. The fabric store was having a Christmas in June sale so why not. Here's the end result:
I think they're quite festive for the holiday season. Now to wait 6 months to use them.....
Also I finally found fabric I liked enough to upgrade my lamp shade. I think it turned out quite nice.
That's all for now and I'm not sure what project I'll start next. I'm starting to get project-out and need a vacation. So if any one would like to join me on a trip just let me know. I'll go any where. Also feel free to leave a comment below. It'd surely make my day.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Lazy Hazy Summer Days
While summer is in full swing and I'm finally done with all things work related, I'm starting to get bored. You would think after working 2 jobs both full time for 10 months I'd be elated to have some time off. But I'm bored and not quite sure what to do with myself. Since all my friends have either A. Gotten engaged/married and fallen off the face of the earth B. Have a big kid job with big kid hours and can't hang out at noon on a tuesday C. Moved home after college, a good 2 hours away. So I'm left to entertain myself.
While I have an end table waiting to be refinished, I'm not sure what color to paint it because I don't have a couch yet. And every time I look at couches I find one I like but I'm not sure how big of a place I'll end up with so I don't want to buy a couch and it be to big. It's a terrible cycle. I need a new project thats fun. Any suggestions??
Also on a random note, Because of my new found free time I saw a show on TLC: The secret life of gypsies. Holy tackiness! While their weddings seem like a great deal of fun. Their outfits are nuts! The one girl I saw on the show was an "old bride" at the old age of 22. And this girl, such a black sheep in the community, finished her education and held a job! HOW DARE SHE! Needless to say she married the first boy that cared to date her and she looked just tortured at her wedding. While most of my friends are running off and getting married, I see no need for that in my life at the moment.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Sew Lovely
For years now I've wanted to learn to sew. Every time I'd walk through the craft store I'd look at all the fabrics and think one day I'll sew. Many years later I finally bought a sewing machine. I love it dearly and am TRYING to learn how to sew. I figured since I can't buy anything, I'll make it. So I've made a tote bag of sorts and a pillow. Along with a heating pad. While the bag was the most challenging of them all, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this machine. Here's what I've made so far:
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A Pillow. I know they're simple to make but I had left over fabric and wanted to get the hang of the machine. So a pillow it was! It's a decent little pillow that's just right for curling up on the couch on a rainy day.
A double sided tote bag. I bought one of those kits that has all the stuff for ya and I went to work! Not one for written directions, (Visual learner here!) I quickly gave up on the directions that used fancy sewing terms I have yet to comprehend. I figured it out and while it turned out alright, I think I could make a much better one the second time around. But for my first pancake it wasn't half bad. It serves its purpose and it's kinda cute too.
I'm not sure what I'll sew next. I've been altering my soccer coaching shirts because I don't know what part of my 125 lb 5'5 body says I wear a mens medium, but that's what they give me. So if any one knows of a good beginners project please let me know. Also if you want a pillow or tote bag I'd be glad to make ya one!
Monday, June 13, 2011
I've noticed a few things
I've noticed a few things in my shopping trips and because I'm a list making virgo the rest of this post will be as such...
Things you find in abundance at a thrift shop:
*T-shirts from various Church/School/Family events
*Food processors- wedding gift to many, used by few
*Water Purifiers- To much up-keep. Turn on sink, fill container. WHOAH NOW!
* Wedge Rope Sandals- I question if they were ever in style
*Jeans- Currently 99 cents at my local shop, they have that many. it's 95 outside, low demand
* Stuffed Animals- Quite possibly the grosses thing ever. THROW THEM AWAY!
* VHS- yea, rewind a tape. I-don't-think-so
*Candle Sticks/Holders - It's a yankee candle generation now
*Holiday Decorations- Like the bear that says "you're beary special". Who wouldn't love that man!
*80's furniture- Fashion and Bold colors making a comeback, furniture not so much
Things you can never find and I need:
* Storage containers- I know women across america spend big at the Container Store and fail to organize!
(I also live in the south where Cool-whip containers are perfectly acceptable tupperware)
* Desk Chair- I have yet to see a completely intact chair
* Water Bottle- Found at a soccer field lost and found nearest you
* Unique picture frames- Your basic shape and style... BOOORRRRING
* Antique Detailed Furniture- See above list
* Sun Dresses- I love them therefore they don't sell them
* Athletic Clothes- Rare find in the women's department
Ever find anything good at a thrift shop?
Monday, June 6, 2011
This little light of mine
While the urge to spray paint something struck again, I decided to hit the thrift shops instead of finding something mommy dearest would disapprove of. After an unsuccessful trip to the first shop, The great ole America's Thrift Shop had just what I was looking for. A little desk lamp. it was quite ugly but I loved the shape so I bought it! Here's the Before and After.
Before: The ugly lamp
The ugly lamp shade
After: Pretty Lamp with Pretty Lampshade
I was quite excited with my new little lamp that cost me a grand total of $5. I'm thinking about putting some fabric on the lampshade to give it a little more style, but I haven't found a fabric that I like so I'll have to keep an eye out for it. I wonder what I'll spray paint next...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Seems to be a trend...
When I was about 10 or 11 this new store called Bath and Body Works came to town, and to any preteen that was a place to shop. Soon hitting PE locker rooms where the smells of old gyms met sweaty kids finished off with every fragrance you could think of. While the girl to your right bathed in Vanilla (eww) the girl to your left preferred rose leaving me to smell horribly of two scents I hate. I believe the first popular fragrance was cucumber mellon, only to be trumped by sweet pea. But for my pre teen birthdays all I seemed to get was Bath and Body Works. Don't get me wrong its a simple easy gift to get any one and it will get used and I enjoyed my collection of lotions and sprays, It took FOREVER to run out of. I NEVER could run out!!! While this is the perfect default gift for any one, I quickly had a stockpile hoarders would be proud of.
Fast forward 10 years and while Bath and Body works isn't going bankrupt any time soon and a bottle of sweet pea body spray sits on my dresser as I type, the gift of lotions as been replaced by what else, A Starbucks gift card. Today I received a $15 dollar gift card to said establishment. While I love gift cards (free money!) This is the 20th or so Starbucks card I've hand. Every work raffle, bridal/baby shower game winning prize, or thank you card is a Starbucks card. Just when I think I've spent my card, another one finds its way into my hands. Did I mention I don't drink coffee?? So I'm left to spend my small fortune at the coffee capitol of the world on my Grande Green iced-tea which cost exactly $2.07. While unfortunately, Starbucks doesn't leave me smelling of blueberry-honeysuckle-mellon, I'm glad to have the never ending supply of gift cards to feed the coffee habit I don't have. So next time you go to buy a gift card, Stop and think outside the box, go against the grain, or find your inner rebel and buy a gift card to oh I don't know Target.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Oh how I want to quit
Ok so not really, But I'm sitting here thinking how I need new running shoes and I want to go buy a new summer dress and really just want to toss away everything in my closet and go buy new clothes. Oh and I need new Teva flip flops and computer battery. I'm so tempted to give in and just go on a shopping spree with my hard earned yet tiny paychecks. I also want to go thrift shopping and hit up all the garage sales that come with spring cleaning. But alas, I work. and then I work some more and then maybe I sleep. No joke, I work every day for a month solid. Help?!
Maybe if I wasn't so busy and was able to go out and shop for some great thrift deals and really enjoy my year of nothing new I wouldn't feel like quitting this thing. Besides, I have no clue how many people are really reading this thing any ways or if those that do even really care. Like I've said before I didn't start out doing this to solve some shopaholic ways or prove a point about going green. I just did it as a challenge. Others run marathons, I'm buying nothing new.
Oh on a side note. I want to set up an Etsy shop over the summer if any one has an advice on setting up an online shop or selling things online let me know.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
A little heart warming
Ever have one of those days where ya just need a little heart warming? And what better way to warm a heart than with a brand new baby? I thought about posting a video of some cute fluffy animal doing something equally as cute, But as Kim and Melissa could tell you, cute fluffy things aren't really my thing. Then I thought about some cute quote to post about, but really that's not a heart warming thing and I'm not in a quote mood. So I decided on pictures of Gabby. Is there anything better than a newborn to warm your heart?? So here's a few pictures of Gabby. I doubt this will be the last of them cause she's just so darn cute and did I mention Rachael is a pretty cool mom too. Well, She is.
Meet Gabby. Here she is only a few hours old
Does it get any sweeter than tiny feet?
Well I hope this warmed your heart up a bit.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
If you can't buy it...
Make it! I've been wanting to learn to sew for quite some time and this past christmas I FINALLY bought a machine with my christmas money. It's a Brother's machine and I simply love it! I got in on sale at and it was super easy to set up! It's really idiot proof. If you're wanting to learn to sew I would highly recommend this one!
So far I've successfully (key word) made a pillow, heating pad, and tote bag. (post to come) I figured if I can't buy anything new I could at least make myself something new. I'm not sure what I'll make next so If any one out there knows of a simple beginner project let me know!
Like all good machines I think she needs a name. Feel free to suggest one.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Things to do in a storm 101:
1. Find a can of spray paint
2. Find something to paint.
The tornado siren was going off (which it tends to do frequently) and I didn't have much else to do, so after reading design blogs and watching The Nate show I decided I would redo something. Since the impending tornado prevented a trip to hobby lobby or any thrift shop, I was left to my own devices and had to find something in my house. The result, old picture frames tucked away in the closet and a can of spray paint. It's simple and easy and if you ever need a quick craft, I'd suggest this one. Now these frames are standard and have nothing fancy about them but were just dated to their time (Circa 1988) I'm sure my mother paid good money for this set of frames that contained my many baby pictures only associated with first born children. To those of you not the first born, sorry but us first borns just have more pictures of our life events. Don't hate. So a few minutes later I had a project....
The Before:
The After:
It's nothing that fancy and overly complicated. I mean really, any one can do this. But it was better than sitting on the couch watching tv.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A few Rules...
I've been getting asked a few questions about buying nothing new so I figured I'd write a post with a few rules and guidelines I'm following. And if you have any more questions feel free to ask.
First off: Buying nothing new means nothing from a store like target or walmart. I can however buy used items from a thrift shop. To go a year without buying ANYTHING would make my impending move quite difficult.
Buying food... Really, did you think I'd eat out of dumpsters?? Yeah, I know there's little groups of people that run around big cities collecting thrown out food like it's a game and the most bagels wins. To each his own, but I'll stick to the grocery store.
Buying underwear. EWWWWWW! ! I think even if I were super super broke, I'd still find a way to buy fresh unused underwear. Clean underwear is a human right!
Gifts for other people. While I've hit that stage of life where every other weekend is a wedding shower or baby shower, I'm not going to buy my friends used gifts. Honestly people... I value my friendships and I think my friends will appreciate this.
Those are the basic rules to my year of nothing new. If you have any other questions let me know. I'll gladly answer any reasonable, sane question.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I hate to say it...
But I was right and my loving mother was wrong. The other day she called and following conversation took place:
Mom: So I'm at the consignment shop and you we're right about used couches. There are some nice ones out there.
Sarah: I told you! you just have to look around
Mom: Yea. I wouldn't trust the ones I just saw at goodwill, but these I found are nice.
So with that debate settled it's on to actually buying a couch...
Mom: So I'm at the consignment shop and you we're right about used couches. There are some nice ones out there.
Sarah: I told you! you just have to look around
Mom: Yea. I wouldn't trust the ones I just saw at goodwill, but these I found are nice.
So with that debate settled it's on to actually buying a couch...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Half Price Monday
Here's an unknown fact. Thrift stores have half price days! I know right!? Every shop as a different day so be sure to ask. The one located by me is on mondays and I figured since I'm actually off this week (can I get an amen?!) I figured I'd check it out. I walked out with a shirt, a super cute sweater and some adidas shorts for $8 dollars. Now these lovely adidas shorts I had to kick myself when I found them. I bought a pair at the outlet back in the fall for $15. These were $2.50. But look at those savings kids! Gotta love a sale. Ever have one of those moments where ya kick yourself for paying to much?
Monday, April 4, 2011
One down, Eleven to go..
It's been a month and buying nothing new and I have to say it wasn't that bad. Ask me this again in two months when its full on summer and there's only about a billion summer dresses I want to buy. I'm sure my answer will be different. While it wasn't that hard to not buy anything I did learn to avoid just wondering around stores. I still haven't bought any major items for the big move. But the hunt for a couch and bed continue. I hear there's a craig's list ap that makes tracking postings very easy. Now if some one would buy me an iphone or ipad....
Monday, March 21, 2011
The great debate
While I agree a good couch is a good investment you'll keep around a while, There are plenty off good couches for great prices out there on that list of Craig's. We debated and yes it would terribly easy to go to ikea and buy the couch I saw and loved down there. But with there being 3 major colleges in my neck of the woods, Kids are selling their stuff on craig's list after only owning it for a short amount of time. I've already found that exact couch 4 different times on craig's list. I'll have to do is simply go to ikea and get a new slip cover and wa-la! good as new. I'll have to buy a couch one day soon so check back in. Any one out there buy a used couch?? thoughts? Tips??
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